Call for submission offer
Consultancy Company and/or the team of experts for Development of web-platform (online shop) for the handicraft collections <BCCI/4/2019>
The services required by the project "Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products" and partner ZBK Kreacija as contracting authority of this tender, are described below:
Beneficiary countries Republic of North Macedonia and Republic of Kosovo Overall objective To contribute to the economic development and social inclusion in the cross-border areas of the East region in Kosovo, as well as Northeast and Skopje regions in Macedonia through deployment and implementation of tools for support to access export markets
Potential applicant can download tender documentation on the following link: tender documentation BCCI/4/2019 Tenders must be received before 14.00 CET on 13.05.2019 |
The purpose of this contract is, following the Terms of reference, to develop web-platform and online shop that will provide as follows:
Call for submission offer
for " Consultancy Company and/or the team of experts for coaching services to artisans and micro-enterprises for e-marketing and online selling <BCCI/3/2018…
The services required by the project "Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products" and partner ZBK Kreacija as contracting authority of this tender, are described below:
Beneficiary countries Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Kosovo Overall objective The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows: To contribute to the economic development and social inclusion in the cross-border areas of the East region in Kosovo, as well as Northeast and Skopje regions in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia through income generation of start-ups and micro-enterprises
The purpose of this contract is as follows:
Potential applicant can download tender documentation on the following link: tender documentation BCCI/3/3018 Tenders must be received before 14.00 CET on 9.01.2019 Note; Deadline is postponed on 18.01.2019 |
Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products- BCCI
Градење конкурентност преку соработка и иновација – пристап до странските пазари за ракотворби |
The project "Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products" funded by the European Union and implemented by the Association of businesses and consultants - ZBK Kreacija Skopje in partnership with the Association for Development Initiatives - Zenith from Skopje and the Advocacy Training and Resource centre – ATRC from Prishtina
The project goal is to contribute to economic development and social inclusion in the cross-border areas of the East region in Kosovo, as well as Northeast and Skopje regions in Macedonia through income generation of start-ups and micro-enterprises. This will be achieved through the specific objective of enhancing competitiveness by stimulating coo-petition and innovative practices of export oriented handicrafts start-ups and micro-enterprises in the cross-border areas. In particular, cross-border clustering of handicraft artisans and micro-enterprises will be supported in order to develop cooperative presence on developed export markets. These markets will be reached by the launch of online selling of handicrafts and a cause related marketing approach |
Проектот „Градење конкурентност преку соработка и иновација – пристап до странските пазари за ракотворби “ е финансиран од Европската Унија а го спроведува ЗБК Креација во партнерство со Асоцијацијата за развојни иницијативи Зенит Скопје и Advocacy Training and Resource centre – ATRC од Приштина.
Целта на проектот е да придонесе за економскиот развој и социјалната вклученост во прекуграничните области на источниот регион во Косово, како и североисточниот и Скопскиот регион во Македонија преку генерирање на приходи на нови компании и микро-претпријатија. Ова ќе се постигне преку специфичната цел за зголемување на конкурентноста преку стимулирање на ко-петиција и иновативни практики на извозно-ориентирани претпријатија за ракотворби и микро-претпријатија во прекуграничните области. Особено, прекуграничното групирање на занаетчиски занаетчии и микро-претпријатија ќе биде поддржано со цел да се развие присуство на соработка на развиените пазари за извоз. Овие пазари ќе бидат постигнати со започнување на онлајн продажба на ракотворби и маркетиншки приод |
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